AIs for 3D

Artificial intelligence (AI) can do many things in the 3D field, such as:

  1. 3D modeling: AI can help create high-quality 3D models in an automated or human-assisted manner.
  2. 3D Animation: AI can help generate high-quality 3D animations in an automated or human-assisted manner.
  3. 3D rendering: AI can help create high-quality images and videos from 3D models using advanced rendering techniques.
  4. 3D data analysis: AI can help analyze large 3D data sets, such as scanning images of objects or buildings, to extract useful information and detect patterns.
  5. 3D content generation: AI can help generate 3D content in an automated way, such as textures or geometric shapes, using machine learning techniques.
  6. Augmented and virtual reality: AI can be used to improve the quality and realism of augmented and virtual reality experiences, such as detecting and tracking objects in the real world or generating realistic virtual environments.


Key Features With LeiaPix you can share your existing 3D content from LeiaPlayer or use LeiaCam to create a new 3D memory. In addition, the platform allows you to share 3D content to 2D devices, which means that LeiaPix's artificial intelligence software creates a...



Features Photorealism at your fingertips Luma lets you capture 3D images quickly and easily, with a photorealistic quality never seen before. With just a few clicks, you can capture objects, landscapes and scenes in stunning detail. In addition, the app offers you...



OpenAI has released to open source Point-E, a machine learning system that allows to create a 3D object from a text request. This system uses a text-to-image model and an image-to-3D model to generate the 3D representation of the requested object. The text-to-image...

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